Könyv: Insight - Felső-középhaladó - 1. egység – 1C
Itt megtalálja az Insight Upper-Intermediate tankönyv 1. - 1C. részében található szókincset, például "perfekcionizmus", "önbizalom", "materializmus" stb.
the act of protecting oneself or one's property from harm or danger, typically through physical means

önvédelem, önvédelmi

the ability to manage one's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in order to achieve long-term goals and resist short-term temptations

önkontroll, önfegyelem

to the quality or state of being concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own

önzetlenség, áldozatkészség

the confidence and trust one has in their own abilities, judgment, and decisions

önbizalom, önértékelés

(of a person) overly focused on themselves and their own desires or interests

önző, önimádó

the natural instinct or desire of an individual to protect oneself from harm or danger

önmegőrzés, önfenntartás

the act of putting the needs or interests of others above one's own

önfeláldozás, önfeláldozás cselekedete

the quality of being willing to face danger, fear, or difficulty with resolve and courage

bátorság, merészség

the philosophical belief that the spiritual world does not exist and the only thing that exists is physical matter


a temporary or situation-based sense of confidence that a specific outcome will be positive