Mozgás Igék - Igék a rohanó mozgáshoz
Itt megtanulhat néhány angol igét, amelyek a rohanó mozgásra utalnak, mint például a "fut", "dash" és "sprint".
to run
to move using our legs, faster than we usually walk, in a way that both feet are never on the ground at the same time

futni, sietni

to sprint
to run very fast for a short distance, typically as a form of exercise

sprinterezni, gyorsan futni

to hurry
to move or do something very quickly, particularly because of a lack of time

sietni, rohamozni

to scurry
to move quickly and with small, rapid steps, often in a hurried or nervous manner

szaladni, sietni

to scoot
to move quickly and suddenly, often with a light or nimble motion

cselezni, gyorsan mozdulni


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