
Kihívás és Verseny Igék - Igék a versenyhez

Itt megtanulhat néhány olyan angol igét, amelyek a versenyre utalnak, mint például a „párbaj”, „vereség” és „verseny”.









Indítsa el a tanulást
Categorized English Verbs of Challenge and Competition
to compete

to join in a contest or game

versenyezni, küzdeni

versenyezni, küzdeni

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to challenge

to invite someone to compete or strongly suggest they should do something, often to test their abilities or encourage action

kihívni, buzdítani

kihívni, buzdítani

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to vie

to intensely compete with another person in order to achieve something

versenyezni, küzdeni

versenyezni, küzdeni

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to race

to compete against someone to see who is the fastest

futni, versenyezni

futni, versenyezni

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to pit

to create a competition or rivalry by setting two or more things or people against each other

ellenfél elé állít, versenyeztet

ellenfél elé állít, versenyeztet

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to tussle

to struggle or fight with someone, particularly to get something

harcolni, küzdeni

harcolni, küzdeni

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to duel

to engage in a combat or competition between two individuals

 párbajozni, harcolni

párbajozni, harcolni

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to score

to gain a point, goal, etc. in a game, competition, or sport

gólt szerezni, pontot szerezni

gólt szerezni, pontot szerezni

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to win

to become the most successful, the luckiest, or the best in a game, race, fight, etc.

nyerni, győzni

nyerni, győzni

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to defeat

to win against someone in a war, game, contest, etc.

legyőz, verni

legyőz, verni

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to beat

to get more points, votes, etc. than the other side, in a game, race, competition, etc. and win

legyőzni, verni

legyőzni, verni

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to outsmart

to use skill and cunning to gain an advantage over someone, defeating or surpassing them through intelligence

megtéveszteni, felülmúlni

megtéveszteni, felülmúlni

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to get ahead of

to do better than someone or something

megelőzni, túlhaladni

megelőzni, túlhaladni

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to win out

to succeed with great difficulty

győzni, sikerülni

győzni, sikerülni

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to vanquish

to defeat someone completely and decisively

legyőz, elnyom

legyőz, elnyom

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to prevail

to prove to be superior in strength, influence, or authority

dominál, győz

dominál, győz

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to rout

to defeat someone or something in a decisive and overwhelming manner

verni, legyőzni

verni, legyőzni

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to trounce

to decisively defeat the opposition by a significant margin in a competition, race, or conflict

döntően legyőz, súlyosan megver

döntően legyőz, súlyosan megver

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to thrash

to thoroughly and decisively beat the opposition in a competition or fight

verni, leverni

verni, leverni

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to clobber

to decisively and thoroughly beat the opponent in a competition or fight

verni, legyőzni

verni, legyőzni

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to contest

to participate in a competition, debate, or other such events

versenyezni, rész venni

versenyezni, rész venni

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