Глаголы Вызова и Соревнования - Глаголы конкуренции
Здесь вы выучите некоторые английские глаголы, относящиеся к соревнованию, такие как «дуэль», «поражение» и «гонка».
to invite someone to compete or strongly suggest they should do something, often to test their abilities or encourage action

бросать вызов, призывать

to create a competition or rivalry by setting two or more things or people against each other

противостоять, соперничать

to gain a point, goal, etc. in a game, competition, or sport

набирать очки, забивать гол
to become the most successful, the luckiest, or the best in a game, race, fight, etc.

to get more points, votes, etc. than the other side, in a game, race, competition, etc. and win

побеждать, обигрывать

to use skill and cunning to gain an advantage over someone, defeating or surpassing them through intelligence

перехитрить, превзойти

to defeat someone or something in a decisive and overwhelming manner

разгромить, победить

to decisively defeat the opposition by a significant margin in a competition, race, or conflict

побеждать с разгромом, разгромить

to thoroughly and decisively beat the opposition in a competition or fight

разбивать, побеждать

to decisively and thoroughly beat the opponent in a competition or fight

побить, разбить