
Témához Kapcsolódó Emberi Cselekvés Igéi - Szabadidővel és sporttal kapcsolatos igék

Itt megtanulhat néhány angol igét, amelyek a kikapcsolódásra és a sportra utalnak, mint például a "vacation", "dance" és "skate".









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Categorized English Topic-Related Verbs of Human Actions
to vacation

to take a period of time off from work or daily activities to relax and engage in leisure activities

nyaralni, szabadságra menni

nyaralni, szabadságra menni

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to picnic

to have a meal or social gathering outdoors



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to sightsee

to visit interesting and well-known places

városnézés, turistáskodni

városnézés, turistáskodni

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to celebrate

to do something special such as dancing or drinking that shows one is happy for an event

ünnepelni, ünnepséget tartani

ünnepelni, ünnepséget tartani

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to dance

to move the body to music in a special way



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to sing

to use one's voice in order to produce musical sounds in the form of a tune or song



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to sunbathe

to lie or sit in the sun in order to darken one's skin

napozni, barnulni

napozni, barnulni

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to play

to take part in a game or activity for fun

játszani, részt venni

játszani, részt venni

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to bet

to risk money on the result of a coming event by trying to predict it

fogadni, tippelni

fogadni, tippelni

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to gamble

to take part in games of chance or betting, involving money, hoping to win more in return

fogadni, szerencsejátékot játszani

fogadni, szerencsejátékot játszani

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to dice

to play with small numbered objects, often used in games of chance or for fun

kockával dobni, kockával játszani

kockával dobni, kockával játszani

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to wrestle

to engage in a physical competition involving holds, maneuvers, and grappling, often as part of a sport or for recreation

birkózni, harcolni

birkózni, harcolni

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to skydive

to jump out of an airplane and experience free-fall before safely descending using a parachute

ejtőernyőzni, repülőgépből ugrani

ejtőernyőzni, repülőgépből ugrani

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to exercise

to do physical activities or sports to stay healthy and become stronger

gyakorolni, edzeni

gyakorolni, edzeni

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to skate

to move on ice or other smooth surfaces using ice skates, roller skates, or a skateboard

korcsolyázni, rollerozni

korcsolyázni, rollerozni

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to snowboard

to slide down snow-covered slopes using a flat board with bindings attached to boots

snowboardozni, snowboardral csúszni

snowboardozni, snowboardral csúszni

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to ski

to move on snow on two sliding bars that are worn on the feet



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to warm up

to prepare one's body for exercising or playing sports with gentle stretches and exercises

bemelegíteni, felkészülni

bemelegíteni, felkészülni

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to loosen up

to stretch and relax someone's muscles, thereby increasing flexibility and reducing tension

lazítani, nyújtani

lazítani, nyújtani

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to groove

to enjoy and immerse oneself in a rhythm or activity

groove-olni, belemerülni a ritmusba

groove-olni, belemerülni a ritmusba

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