Általános IELTS Tréning (6-7-es Sáv) - Kor és megjelenés
Itt megtanulhat néhány angol szót az életkorhoz és a megjelenéshez, amelyek szükségesek a General Training IELTS vizsgához.
delightful due to qualities of beauty, suitability, or perfection

kifinomult, bámulatos

incredibly cute or charming, often causing feelings of affection, delight, or admiration

bájos, elbűvölő

stylish, attractive, and often associated with luxury or sophistication

glamúros, pompás

incredibly impressive or beautiful, often leaving one feeling amazed

lélegzetelállító, elbűvölő

characteristic of or suitable for infants or very young children

babaági, csecsemői

relating to young people who have not reached adulthood yet

serdülő, fiatalokhoz tartozó

being in the stage of development between childhood and adulthood

serdülő, fiatal

related to or suitable for young children before they start formal education

óvoda előtti, kisgyermek

not old enough to legally engage in certain activities such as drinking or getting a driver's license

kiskorú, kiskorúakerei