Általános IELTS Tréning (6-7-es Sáv) - Tudás és információ
Itt elsajátíthat néhány angol szót a tudással és információval kapcsolatban, amelyek az általános képzési IELTS vizsgához szükségesek.
to explain or show the meaning of something using examples, pictures, etc.
illusztrálni, példával magyarázni
to explain something by providing examples, doing experiments, etc.
bemutatni, illusztrálni
to analyze or interpret something in detail, especially to make the meaning or intention clearer
magyarázni, értelmezni
to guide someone by providing information, training, or advice, helping them acquire new skills or understand a specific subject
oktatni, utazni
to teach someone a specific subject, skill, or area of knowledge
oktatni, képzni
to teach a single student or a few students, often outside a school setting
tutorálni, magánórát adni
to help someone or a team learn and improve their skills or achieve goals, often through personalized guidance and feedback
edzeni, képzeni
to make someone develop intellectually or morally
képviselni, oktatni
to give a formal talk or presentation to teach someone or a group
előadni, tanítani
to help something develop, grow, evolve, etc.
támogatni, felnevelni
to make someone acquainted with something
megismertetni, bemutatni
to officially let someone know about something
értesíteni, tájékoztatni
to explain something thoroughly and with specific information
részletezni, lemondani részletesen
to make something clear and understandable
felgöngyölni, tisztázni
to explain something clearly and in detail
kifejteni, részletesen elmagyarázni
to teach an idea, belief, skill, etc. through constant repetition
befogadni, oktatni
to clearly define or state specific details, characteristics, or requirements
meghatároz, specifikál
to clarify, explain, or make something clear
világossá tenni, magyarázni
to give an explanation of something by talking about it in great detail
kifejteni, magyarázni
to depict or represent someone or something in a work of art, literature, or other forms of expression
ábrázolni, megjeleníteni
to reveal or disclose something previously concealed or hidden
felfed, leplezni
to make something known to someone or the public, particularly when it was a secret at first
nyilvánosságra hozni, felfedni
to reveal, uncover, or make visible something that was hidden or covered
felfed, feltár
to organize and present something, typically a performance or an event
színpadra állítani, szervezni
to reveal something, such as thoughts, feelings, qualities, etc. unintentionally
ártani, felfedni
to publicly and officially state something
kikihirdetni, bejelenteni
to display or show off something in a conspicuous or boastful manner
felvágni, mutogatni
to provide someone with information about something ambiguous to make it easier to understand
to contribute to the structure or makeup of something
alkot, képez