一般トレーニング IELTS (バンド 6-7) - 知識と情報
ここでは、General Training IELTS 試験に必要な知識と情報に関する英単語を学びます。
to explain or show the meaning of something using examples, pictures, etc.

例示する, 説明する

to explain or interpret something in a clear and detailed manner, often uncovering deeper meanings

説明する, 解釈する

to guide someone by providing information, training, or advice, helping them acquire new skills or understand a specific subject

指導する, 教える

to teach a single student or a few students, often outside a school setting

家庭教師をする, 指導する

to help someone or a team learn and improve their skills or achieve goals, often through personalized guidance and feedback

コーチする, 指導する

to clearly define or state specific details, characteristics, or requirements

指定する, 明確にする

to depict or represent someone or something in a work of art, literature, or other forms of expression

描く, 表現する

to make something known to someone or the public, particularly when it was a secret at first

開示する, 明らかにする

to reveal something, such as thoughts, feelings, qualities, etc. unintentionally

裏切る, 暴露する