
Akadémiai IELTS (6-7-es Sáv) - Testhelyzetek és pozíciók

Itt megtudhat néhány angol szót a testtartásokkal és pozíciókkal kapcsolatban, amelyek szükségesek az Akadémiai IELTS vizsgához.









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Vocabulary for Academic IELTS (6-7)
to arch

to form or create an arch or curve, often referring to a graceful or curved shape

ívelni, görbít

ívelni, görbít

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to tilt

to incline or lean in a particular direction

dönteni, meghajlítani

dönteni, meghajlítani

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to lunge

to make a sudden, forceful forward movement

előreugrik, hirtelen lerohan

előreugrik, hirtelen lerohan

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to squat

to go to a position in which the knees are bent and the back of thighs are touching or very close to one's heels

guggolni, squat

guggolni, squat

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to coil

to move or flow in a manner characterized by spirals

tekercsel, kanyarog

tekercsel, kanyarog

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to uncoil

to unwind, release, or straighten something that has been wound into a spiral or twisted shape

kibontakozik, kibővít

kibontakozik, kibővít

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to prop

to support, hold up, or sustain by placing or leaning against a firm or solid structure

támasztani, támasztékul szolgálni

támasztani, támasztékul szolgálni

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to tuck

to place something into a sheltered or hidden position

betenni, elrejt

betenni, elrejt

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to straddle

to sit with one leg on either side of an object

átülik, harán ülni

átülik, harán ülni

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to sprawl

to spread out one's limbs in a relaxed manner while sitting, falling, etc.

kinyúlik, elterül

kinyúlik, elterül

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to stoop

to bend the upper side of one's body forward

meghajolni, meghajolni

meghajolni, meghajolni

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to crouch

to sit on one's calves and move the chest close to one's knees

guggolni, kucsorogni

guggolni, kucsorogni

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to hunch

to bend the upper side of the body forward and make a rounded back

meghajolni, hajlítani

meghajolni, hajlítani

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to slump

to sit, lean or fall heavily or suddenly, typically due to exhaustion, weakness, or lack of energy.

összeroskad, lehuppan

összeroskad, lehuppan

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to snuggle

to settle or nestle closely and comfortably, especially for warmth or affection

ölelkezik, bújik

ölelkezik, bújik

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to curl

to bend or position a part of body in a curved or coiled shape

görbít, csavar

görbít, csavar

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to slouch

to sit, walk, or stand lazily with a downward head and rounded shoulders

dőzsöl, lógat

dőzsöl, lógat

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to nuzzle

to affectionately press or lean against someone or something

odahúz, lelőcsöl

odahúz, lelőcsöl

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