Állatok - Az állatokkal kapcsolatos melléknevek
Itt megtudhat néhány, az állatokkal kapcsolatos angol jelzőt, mint például a "tame", "vad", és "bennszülött".
(of a wild animal) tamed and adapted to live with or to the benefit of humans
házi, szelídített
(of an animal, plant, etc.) being at risk of extinction
veszélyeztetett, kihalásra ítélt
(of an animal) fit to live with people and not afraid of them
idomított, szelíd
(of pets) trained to urinate or defecate outside the house or in a litter box
szobatiszta, kiképzett
(of animals) having ears that hang by the sides of the head
lógó fülű, lógó fülek
describing an animal that has a stomach with four compartments and chews cud as part of its digestion process
pásztorok, rágó
possessing or having wings, typically associated with the ability to fly
szárnyas, szárnyakkal rendelkező
(of an animal or plant) living or growing in a natural state, without any human interference
vad, természetes
being raised or bred with good manners, refined qualities, and a pedigree indicating a desirable lineage or ancestry
jól nevelt, jó családból származó
having feet that are adapted for swimming and are connected by skin to form a web-like structure between the toes
uszó lábú, úszó lábakkal
having digits or appendages connected by a thin membrane of skin, enabling efficient movement in water or other fluid environments
hálós, úszószövetes
describing an animal that is able to maintain a higher body temperature than its surroundings
melegvérű, endoterm
describing an animal that its body temperature changes depending on the temperature of its surroundings
possessing or producing a toxin that is injected or delivered into another organism through a bite, sting, or other means
méregtartalmú, méregelő
lacking proper guidance, instruction, or conditioning, suggesting the absence of acquired knowledge, skills, or expertise in a particular domain
képzetlen, szakképzetlen
having a cluster or collection of long, soft, or decorative strands of hair, feathers, or other materials
bozontos, tömör
(of a plant, animal, or machine) able to endure or withstand something without adverse effects or damage
toleráns, ellenálló
being in a precarious or vulnerable position, often facing potential harm, danger, or unfavorable circumstances
fenyegetett, veszélyben lévő
tending to live in groups and interact with one another through behaviors such as grooming, playing, and cooperating
társas, közösségi
having a nervous or timid behavior or temperament, often resulting in avoidance or retreat from human or environmental interactions
félénk, tartózkodó
being wild, untamed, or displaying aggressive and violent behavior
vad, barbár
describing an animal, typically a mammal, that is affected by the disease rabies, characterized by aggressive behavior
veszett, bolond
describing an animal of a specific breed having parents from the same breed, ensuring consistent lineage and genetic characteristics
tiszta vérű, fajtatiszta
describing something that has the ability or tendency to assume various forms or exist in different states
(of an animal or insect) producing a substance that kills or harms a prey or an enemy
mérgező, toxikus
(of animals or organisms) primarily active during the night
éjszakai, éjjel aktív
(of animals or birds) moving from one place to another, often with the changing seasons
migráló, vándorló
smaller in amount or value compared to something else
kisebb, alacsonyabb
(of animals and plants) found and developed only in a particular place and not been brought from elsewhere
őslakos, helyi
(of pets) trained to urinate or defecate outside the house or in a litter box
háziasított, házban tartott
possessing horns, which are bony protrusions or structures found on the head of certain animals
szarvas, szarvakkal rendelkező
describing the inclination of animals to live in groups or communities rather than being solitary
társas, csapatos
having an abundant covering or coat of soft, dense hair or fur
szőrös, bundás
light and soft in texture, giving a feeling of coziness or warmth
puhogó, lágy
describing animals that have returned to a wild or untamed state
vad, féreg
relating to a classification of animals living both in water and on land
possessing both male and female characteristics or displaying a gender-neutral appearance
androgün, nőies-férfias
(of animals) adapted to or living high in trees, rather than on the ground
fás életmódú, fán élő
a group of primates that includes human beings, as well as other species that are closely related to humans
antropoid, emberforma
primarily active or occurring during the daytime
nappali, napi aktivitású
large in size, often used in the names of particularly massive animals or plants
óriás, nagy
notable for its larger-than-average size or scale, often used to describe particular species of plants and animals
nagy, jelentős
found or restricted to a specific geographic region or habitat
(of an animal, plant, etc.) not having any living members, either due to natural causes, environmental changes, or human activity
kihalt, eltűnt
having a documented and distinguished ancestry or lineage
vérvonala, nemesi
having an abnormal, unpredictable, or dangerous behavior, often posing a threat to the safety of humans or other animals
rendellenes, megbízhatatlan
defending a specific area against intruders to protect resources and ensure survival
területi, védelmi