Színek és Formák - Kétdimenziós formák
Olvassa el ezt a leckét, hogy megtanulja néhány kétdimenziós alakzat nevét angolul, például „kite”, „négyzet” és „ovális”.
(geometry) a flat shape consisting of three straight sides and three angles
(geometry) a flat shape with four right angles, especially one with opposing sides that are equal and parallel to each other
téglalap, téglalap alakú
a four-sided shape with two pairs of equal-length adjacent sides
rombusz, sárkány
a shape with four equal straight sides and four right angles, each measuring 90°
(geometry) a flat shape with four flat sides, two of which are parallel
(geometry) any flat shape with four straight sides, the opposite sides of which are equal and parallel to each other
(geometry) a flat shape with four equal sides in which opposite angles are equal
rombusz, négyzet
(geometry) a flat shape consisting of three or more straight sides
a flat geometric shape consisting of three straight sides and one right angle
derékszögű háromszög, jobb szögű háromszög
a triangle that does not have a right angle
ferde háromszög, nem derékszögű háromszög
a type of triangle that has all three sides of different lengths
szabálytalan háromszög, különböző oldalú háromszög
a type of triangle that has two sides of equal length and two angles of equal measure
egyenlő szárú háromszög
a type of triangle with all three sides of equal length
szabályos háromszög, egyforma oldalú háromszög
a type of triangle in which all three angles are less than 90 degrees
hegyes szögű háromszög, éles szögű háromszög
a type of triangle that has one angle greater than 90 degrees
tompa szögű háromszög, háromszög tompa szöggel
(geometry) a parallelogram with four straight sides and no right angles
(geometry) a figure with four sides and two opposite angles more than 90° and two of less than 90°
rombusz, léc
a rectangular figure that has unequal adjacent sides with arched angles
oblong,hosszú téglalap, round-edged rectangle
a shape that is wide in the middle and narrow at both ends
oval, ovális forma