ACT Angol és Világtudás - Emberi tulajdonságok és megjelenés
Itt megtanulhat néhány angol szót, amelyek az emberi tulajdonságokkal és megjelenéssel kapcsolatosak, mint például a "prudent", "vigor", "driven" stb., amelyek segítenek az ACT-ben.
expressing no fear when faced with danger or difficulty
bátor, merész
(of a person) having a tendency to hide feelings, thoughts, etc.
titokzatos, rejtélyes
(of a person) resistant to authority or control, often challenging established norms or rules
lázadó, engedetlen
taking a practical and realistic approach to things rather than theoretical and idealistic approaches
unwilling to spend or give away money or resources
zsugori, fukar
unwilling to change one's attitude or opinion despite good reasons to do so
makacs, kitartó
very good at or quick in noticing small details in someone or something
figyelmes, megfigyelő
having the required quality or ability for doing something
képes, alkalmas
preferring to be alone or avoiding social contact
visszahúzódó, társaságkerülő
displaying a sense of slowness or lack of agility due to real or perceived weight or massiveness
nehéz, lassú
experiencing extreme exhaustion, often resulting from physical or mental exertion
fáradt, kimerült
having or showing a high level of knowledge, skill, and aptitude in a particular area
hozzáértő, ügyes
moving in a slow, effortless, and attractive manner
lankadt, lusta
extremely enthusiastic and interested in something one does
lelkes, szenvedélyes
eating or craving food in large amounts and with great enthusiasm
falánk, túlfogyasztó
behaving in an unconcerned and calm manner
la boldog, közömbös
showing determination and ambition to achieve one's goals
eltökélt, ambiciózus
possessing a friendly personality and willing to spend time with people
társasági, barátságos
staying calm and displaying little or no interest or emotions
türelmes, rezzenéstelen
lively, bold, and confident in a playful or appealing way
pimasz, élénk
causing fear or anxiety due to power, strength, or appearance
félelmetes, rettentő
showing no mercy or compassion towards others in pursuit of one's goals
kegyetlen, könyörtelen
having a physical or mental condition that limits one's movements, senses, or activities
fogyatékos, korlátozott
having a strong sense of love, loyalty, and devotion to one's country
hazafias, nemzeti
feeling or showing caution and attentiveness regarding possible dangers or problems
óvatos, gyanakvó
showing sensibility, wisdom, and care when making decisions to minimize risks
óvatos, bölcs
mental and emotional strength and resilience in facing adversity, challenges, or difficult situations
kitartás, bátorság
a deep and personal connection between individuals
intimitás, közelség
the mental or physical strength that makes one continue doing something hard for a long time
állóképesség, kitartás
the ability to use one's hands or body skillfully and quickly to perform tasks
ügyesség, jártasság
the preference for using one hand over the other for tasks and activities, typically resulting in a dominance of either the right or left hand
kézpreferencia, domináló kéz
the state of being in the transitional phase childhood and adulthood characterized by significant physical, emotional, and psychological changes
serdülőkor, fiatal felnőttkor
the physical or mental strength and energy that someone possesses
életerő, energia
the ability to effectively and creatively solve problems and overcome challenges using available resources
leleményesség, forráshatékonyság
all the qualities that shape a person's character and make them different from others
személyiség, karakter
(of a person or animal) thin and fit in a way that looks healthy, often with well-defined muscles and minimal body fat
vékony, formás
(of a person) attractive, stylish, or beautiful
elegáns, elegáns
(of a person) dressed in worn and old clothes
kopott, elhanyagolt
(of body parts) having a discolored mark due to broken blood vessels, typically caused by an injury or pressure
zúzódott, kékített
lacking of cleanliness and neatness, often implying a disregard for personal hygiene or grooming
semmitmondó, ápolatlan
the height of a person or animal when standing upright
magasság, alak
a twisted facial expression indicating pain, disgust or disapproval
grimace, rágás
the state of being slender or thin in a way that is considered attractive or healthy
vékonyaság, karcsúság
the state or condition of a person's physical alignment, balance, and coordination
tartás, helyzet