Daftar Kata Level B1 - Fashion
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris tentang fashion, seperti "costume", "top", "hoodie", dll. yang disiapkan untuk pelajar B1.
Kartu flash
pieces of clothing worn by actors or performers for a role, or worn by someone to look like another person or thing

kostum, pakaian

a clothing item worn beneath outer clothing by men and women that covers the lower part of their bodies

celana dalam, pakaian dalam

a short piece of clothing that women wear under the pants, skirts, etc.

pakaian dalam, celana dalam

an item of clothing that is worn for swimming, particularly the type that women and girls wear

pakaian renang, bikini

a piece of clothing such as a sweatshirt or jacket that has a cover for the head

hoodie, pakaian dengan penutup kepala

a loose long-sleeved warm item of clothing worn casually or for exercising on the top part of our body, usually made of cotton

sweater, kaos olahraga

the part around the neck of a piece of clothing that usually turns over

kerah, lingkaran leher

the part of an item of clothing that completely or partly covers one's arm

lengan, sleeve

to close and secure clothing by attaching the parts that hold it together

mengancingkan, menutup

thick thread made from the fibers of sheep or other animals, commonly used for knitting

wol, benang wol

following the latest or the most popular styles and trends in a specific period

modis, bergaya

a typically repeating arrangement of shapes, colors, etc., regularly done as a design on a surface

pola, corak

material used for making clothes, which is made by knitting or weaving silk, cotton, etc.

kain, tenun

a design consisting of lines or bands with a different color from the background, often used on clothing, textiles, or other surfaces

garis, pita

strong cotton cloth that is usually blue in color, particularly used in making jeans


cloth made from the fibers of the cotton plant, naturally soft and comfortable against the skin


strong material made from animal skin and used for making clothes, bags, shoes, etc.


the skin of an animal that has died with its thick and soft hair still on it

bulu, kulit

a bag designed for carrying on the back, usually used by those who go hiking or climbing

ransel, tas punggung

a piece of underwear worn by women to cover and support their breasts

bra, penyangga payudara