Buku English File - Pra-menengah - Bahasa Inggris Praktis Episode 5
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kosakata dari Bahasa Inggris Praktis Episode 5 dalam buku pelajaran Pra-Menengah File Bahasa Inggris, seperti "berbelok", "lurus", "keluar", dll.
Kartu flash
to select or choose out of other available alternatives
mengambil, memilih
the part in a path that separates into two paths with different directions
belokan, layang
the direction or side that is toward the east when someone or something is facing north
a set of lights, often colored in red, yellow, and green, that control the traffic on a road
lampu lalu lintas, lampu sinyal
to rotate or spin around an axis or center point
berputar, melilingi
an open area in a city or town where two or more streets meet
alun-alun, lapangan
a way that enables someone to get out of a room, building, or a vehicle of large capacity
keluar, jalur keluar
the position that someone or something faces, points, or moves toward
to move in a circular direction around a fixed line or point
memutar, berputar