पुस्तक English File - प्री-इंटरमीडिएट - प्रैक्टिकल इंग्लिश एपिसोड 5
यहां आपको इंग्लिश फाइल प्री-इंटरमीडिएट कोर्सबुक में प्रैक्टिकल इंग्लिश एपिसोड 5 की शब्दावली मिलेगी, जैसे "टर्निंग", "स्ट्रेट", "एग्जिट", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
the part in a path that separates into two paths with different directions
मोड़, कोंण
the direction or side that is toward the east when someone or something is facing north
a set of lights, often colored in red, yellow, and green, that control the traffic on a road
ट्रैफिक लाइट, संकेतक
an open area in a city or town where two or more streets meet
प्लाजा, चौक
a way that enables someone to get out of a room, building, or a vehicle of large capacity
निर्गम, निकास
the position that someone or something faces, points, or moves toward
to move in a circular direction around a fixed line or point
घुमा, घूमना
located or directed toward the side of a human body where the heart is