Buku Solutions - Pra-menengah - Unit 4 - 4G
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kosakata dari Unit 4 - 4G dalam buku pelajaran Solusi Pra-Menengah, seperti "penyeberangan pejalan kaki", "parade", "hidran kebakaran", dll.
Kartu flash
a place at the side of a road that is usually marked with a sign, where buses regularly stop for passengers

perhentian bus, stasiun bus

a tall pole designed to hold one or more electric lamps in order to provide light on a street or road

tiang lampu, tiang penerangan

a designated area on a road where pedestrians have the right of way to cross the street safely

penyeberangan pejalan kaki, zebra crossing

a symbol or letters used in math, music, or other subjects to show an instruction, idea, etc.

tanda, simbol

a set of lights, often colored in red, yellow, and green, that control the traffic on a road

lampu lalu lintas, lampu sinyal

a big sign used for advertising, usually found near roads or highways

billboard, papan iklan

a device connected to a water supply that firefighters use to put out fires

pancuran pemadam, hydrant

a device found on a street or in a parking lot that requires payment to allow a vehicle to be parked for a certain amount of time

meter parkir

an enclosed space with a public phone that someone can pay in order to use it

kotak telepon, telepon umum

a public box where people can drop letters and parcels to be collected and delivered by the postal service

kotak pos, kotak surat

a window display in a store that showcases products or merchandise

etalase, jendela toko

a light pole placed on a street that shines light onto the road and the surrounding area

lampu jalan, lampu penerangan jalan

a tall pole or post that carries wires used for telephone lines

tiang telepon, tiang saluran telepon

a large event, often held outdoors, where multiple musical performances are showcased, usually featuring various artists and genres

festival musik, musika festival

a public path for vehicles in a village, town, or city, usually with buildings, houses, etc. on its sides

jalan, gang

a public event where people or vehicles orderly move forward, particularly to celebrate a holiday or special day

pawai, arak-arakan