Buku Solutions - Menengah - Unit 3 - 3F
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kosakata dari Unit 3 - 3F dalam buku pelajaran Solutions Intermediate, seperti "record", "level", "homonym", dll.
Kartu flash
each of two or more words with the same spelling or pronunciation that vary in meaning and origin


one of the two body parts that is connected to the shoulder and ends with fingers


a part of a clock that moves to indicate the time, such as the hour hand, minute hand, or second hand

jarum jam, lengan jam

the part of our body that is at the end of our arm and we use to grab, move, or feel things


the hard, thin layer on the upper surface of the tip of the finger and toe

kuku, paku

a mental or physical activity that helps keep our mind and body healthy

latihan, aktivitas

the best performance or result, or the highest or lowest level that has ever been reached, especially in sport

rekor, penampilan terbaik

a type of electromagnetic radiation that makes it possible to see, produced by the sun or another source of illumination
