Buku Face2face - Menengah atas - Satuan 5 - 5C
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kosakata dari Unit 5 - 5C di buku pelajaran Face2Face Menengah Atas, seperti "berkilauan", "eksploitasi", "predator", dll.
Kartu flash
to slowly remove or destroy something over time

memakan secara perlahan, menghancurkan seiring waktu

to quickly and unexpectedly attack a group or place to surround and capture them

menyergap, menyerang

a person or thing that is the target of an attack, deception, or abuse

mangsa, korban

to use someone or something in an unfair way, which is only advantageous to oneself

mengekploitasi, memanfaatkan

to make someone do something that seems interesting, despite them knowing it might be wrong or not good for them

menggoda, membujuk

to attach something using a device designed for holding things together

mengaitkan, melampirkan