Könyv: Face2face - Felső-középhaladó - 5. egység - 5C
Itt megtalálja a Face2Face Upper-Intermediate tankönyv 5. - 5C. részében található szókincset, például "csillogó", "exploit", "ragadozó" stb.
shining brightly, often with small flashes of light
csillogó, ragyogó
to slowly remove or destroy something over time
felfalni, lassan elpusztítani
arranged in a neat and systematic manner
rendszeres, sorrendben
to grow or develop in a healthy and successful way
virágzik, boldogul
to quickly and unexpectedly attack a group or place to surround and capture them
lecsap, támad
a person or thing that is the target of an attack, deception, or abuse
zsákmány, áldozat
any animal that lives by hunting and eating other animals
to use someone or something in an unfair way, which is only advantageous to oneself
kihasznál, kiaknáz
any physical injury to the body, especially one inflicted deliberately that is caused by a person or an event
kár, sérülés
to neatly cut or remove something using scissors or a similar tool
vágni, nyírni
to discover the exact position or place of something or someone
megtalálni, lokalizálni