Akademik IELTS (Band 6-7) - Wellness
Di sini, Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris terkait Kesehatan yang diperlukan untuk ujian Academic IELTS.
Kartu flash
having qualities that promote good health and well-being
sehat, menguntungkan
having an excellent physical or mental shape due to regular exercise or maintenance
baik dikondisikan, dalam kondisi prima
filled with renewed energy, vitality, and a sense of liveliness
penuh energi, dihidupkan kembali
weak and thin, especially as a result of old age or an illness
kurus, lapuk
lacking the necessary qualities, skills, or mental health to perform a task
tidak layak, tidak pantas
(of a person's skin) having less color than usual, caused by fear, illness, etc.
pucat, putih
having to stay in bed, usually for a long time, due to illness or injury
terbaring, tidur di tempat tidur
affected by a disease-causing agent, such as bacteria, viruses, or parasites
terinfeksi, terkontaminasi
(of a disease or condition) capable of transmitting from one person, organism, or object to another through direct or indirect contact
menular, infeksius
(of a disease) transmittable from one person to another through close contact
menular, menular
having a significant physical impairment or disability that affects one's ability to move or function normally
cacat, penyandang disabilitas
lacking vitality and strength or showing signs of extreme age
karut, uzur
extremely weakened and experiencing a significant decline in physical or mental health
melemah, tertekan
suffering from a physical or mental ailment, hardship, or distress
teraniaya, tertekan
to suffer or undergo something irritating, especially an injury, disease, etc.
menderita, menahan