Akadémiai IELTS (6-7-es Sáv) - Wellness
Itt megtudhat néhány, a Wellnesshez kapcsolódó angol szót, amelyek szükségesek az Academic IELTS vizsgához.
having strength and good mental or physical health
élénk, erős
free from damage, disease, etc. and in a good condition
épség, jól karbantartott
having qualities that promote good health and well-being
egészséges, jótékony
used to describe an old person who is still very active and healthy
having an excellent physical or mental shape due to regular exercise or maintenance
jól kondicionált, kiváló formában
filled with renewed energy, vitality, and a sense of liveliness
felpezsdült, új energiával teli
weak and thin, especially as a result of old age or an illness
elgyengült, meggyötört
lacking the necessary qualities, skills, or mental health to perform a task
alkalmatlan, nem megfelelő
(of a person's skin) having less color than usual, caused by fear, illness, etc.
sápadt, halvány
lacking in strength, often due to age or illness
gyenge, erőtlen
having to stay in bed, usually for a long time, due to illness or injury
ágyhoz kötött, ágyban fekvő
affected by a disease-causing agent, such as bacteria, viruses, or parasites
fertőzött, szennyezett
(of a disease or condition) capable of transmitting from one person, organism, or object to another through direct or indirect contact
fertőző, nákózós
(of a disease) transmittable from one person to another through close contact
fertőző, fertőző
having a significant physical impairment or disability that affects one's ability to move or function normally
sérült, fogyatékkal élő
lacking vitality and strength or showing signs of extreme age
elhasználódott, öreg
extremely weakened and experiencing a significant decline in physical or mental health
gyengült, döngölt
suffering from a physical or mental ailment, hardship, or distress
szenvedő, megtámadott
lacking energy, enthusiasm, or interest
bátortalan, érdektelen
feeling as if one is likely to vomit
hányingerezős, hányásra hajlamos
to suffer or undergo something irritating, especially an injury, disease, etc.
elszenved, áttérni