Phrasal Verbs Menggunakan 'Into', 'To', 'About', & 'For' - Melakukan Suatu Tindakan (Tentang)
Kartu flash
to bring about
to be the reason for a specific incident or result

menyebabkan, menghasilkan

[kata kerja]
to set about
to start a task, action, or process with determination and inspiration

memulai, mengambil tindakan

[kata kerja]
to fall about
to laugh so hard that one's entire body moves somewhat uncontrollably

jatuh tertawa, tertawa terbahak-bahak

[kata kerja]
to muck about
to engage in silly or playful behavior, typically when one should be focused on work or other responsibilities

bermain-main, bersenang-senang

[kata kerja]
to see about
to make arrangements for something to be addressed or completed

menguruskan, melihat tentang

[kata kerja]

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