Kosakata Penting untuk Ujian SAT - Manajemen Barang
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris yang berkaitan dengan pengelolaan item, seperti "merge", "integrate", "diffusion", dll. yang Anda perlukan untuk menguasai SAT Anda.
Kartu flash
to spread information, ideas, or knowledge to a wide audience

menyebarkan, mengedar

to share something between a large number of people

mendistribusikan, membagi

to send forth or give out energy, light, sound, or an abstract quality

memancarkan, mengeluarkan

to spread throughout and be present in every part of something

memenuhi, menyebar

to make things like items, people, particles, etc. spread out from a center and move in different directions

menyebarkan, menghamburkan

to gradually grow or increase by adding layers or parts over time

mengakumulasi, bertambah

to gather a large amount of money, knowledge, etc. gradually

mengumpulkan, mengakumulasi

to gather and store a large supply of food, money, etc., usually somewhere secret

menimbun, mengumpulkan

to bring things together to form a whole or include something as part of a larger group

mengintegrasikan, menggabungkan

to add something that enhances or improves the quality or appearance of someone or something

melengkapi, memperbaiki

to bring ideas, texts, things, etc. together and create something new

menggabungkan, memadukan

the act of bringing together various items, parts, or elements into a single unified whole

agregasi, penggabungan

the process of gathering more and more of something over time

akumulasi, pengumpulan

the act or process of gathering or putting together various items, such as information, into a single collection

kompilasi, pengumpulan

the process or occurrence of combining or merging elements to create a unified whole

fusi, penggabungan

the process of diverse elements uniting to form a single body, form, or group
