Kosakata Penting untuk TOEFL - Pakaian dan Fashion
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris tentang pakaian dan fashion, seperti "footwear", "slipper", "cloak", dll. yang diperlukan untuk ujian TOEFL.
Kartu flash
a set of clothes that one wears together, especially for an event or occasion

pakaian, setelan

an item of clothing that is worn on the body, including various types of clothing such as shirts, pants, dresses, etc.

pakaian, busana

(of clothing) comfortable and suitable for everyday use or informal events and occasions

kasual, santai

(particularly of clothes) so thin that light passes through and therefore one is able to see through it

tembus pandang, transparan

a long piece of clothing, made from the same material that towels are made of, worn after or before taking a shower or bath

jubah, baju mandi

two-piece swimsuit worn by women, especially in warmer climates or during beach vacations


a backless sandal, usually made of rubber or plastic, with a V-shaped strap between the big toe and the one next to it

sendal jepit, flip-flop

a long and thin string or cord that is passed through the hooks on a shoe and pulled tightly to fasten it

tali sepatu, ikat sepatu

a sleeveless piece of clothing that is worn under a jacket and over a shirt

rompi, rompi tanpa lengan

a piece of fabric that is used to cover the inside surface of something, such as clothes

pelapis, lapisan

a type of jacket that is made of wool, usually has a knitted design, and its front could be closed with buttons or a zipper

cardigan, jaket rajut

the part around the neck of a piece of clothing that usually turns over

kerah, lingkaran leher

to wear formal clothes for a special occasion or event

berpakaian formal, berbusana

aware of the latest fashion trends and tending to dress accordingly

sadar fashion, mengetahui mode

something unusual or new owned or worn to attract attention to oneself

pernyataan mode, pernyataan gaya

stretchy pants that fit the legs closely, usually worn by women

legging, celana ketat

(of clothing) large, comfortable, and not fitting the body closely

longgar, luwes

cloth that is made by weaving cotton yarn, silk, etc., which is used in making clothes

kain, fabric

a delicate cotton or silky cloth made by weaving or knitting threads in an open web-like pattern

renda, jaring

an item, such as a bag, hat, piece of jewelry, etc., that is worn or carried because it makes an outfit more beautiful or attractive


a piece of jewelry designed to be worn in a body piercing, such as earrings, nose rings, or other decorative items

piercing, perhiasan piercing