Il libro Total English - Intermedio Superiore - Unità 7 - Lezione 3
Qui troverai il vocabolario dell'Unità 7 - Lezione 3 del libro di testo Total English Upper-Intermediate, come "necessity", "coccolare", "lavish", ecc.
the characteristic of being exceptionally expensive, offering superior quality and exclusivity

lusso, lussuosità

in a manner that is too extreme or exaggerated

eccessivamente, in modo esagerato

(of food or drink) high quality, rare, or exotic, with an emphasis on flavor, presentation, and culinary expertise, often associated with sophisticated or refined taste

gourmet, raffinato

to allow oneself to do or have something that one enjoys, particularly something that might be bad for one

to treat someone with extra care, attention, and comfort, often with the intention of making them feel good or relaxed
