Avverbi Relazionali - Avverbi della vita quotidiana
Questi avverbi sono usati per descrivere fenomeni quotidiani nella vita delle persone, come "ricreativo", "interpersonalmente", "religiosamente", ecc.
in a manner that relates to the design and arrangement of objects or systems in a way that optimizes human well-being, comfort, and efficiency
ergonomicamente, in modo ergonomico
in a manner that relates to leisure, enjoyment, or relaxation
ricreativamente, in modo ricreativo
in a manner that relates to interactions between individuals or people
interpersonalmente, in modo interpersonale
in a manner related to or characteristic of a particular season
stagionalmente, con cadenza stagionale
with regard to gender or sexual characteristics
sessualmente, in termini sessuali
regarding to a manner of reproduction or activity that does not involve sexual processes or characteristics
asessualmente, in modo asessuale
in a manner that relates to the specific circumstances or context at hand
situazionalmente, in modo situazionale
in a way that is connected to and influenced by the specific situation or surroundings
contextualmente, nel contesto
in accordance with the beliefs, practices, or principles of a religion
religiosamente, in modo religioso
in an exceptionally pleasing or delightful way
divinamente, in modo divino
regarding established customs, traditions, or rituals that are performed in a prescribed or symbolic manner
ritualmente, in modo rituale