Collocazioni con Altri Verbi - Riferimenti di ora e orologio
Padroneggia le collocazioni inglesi per i riferimenti all'ora e all'orologio, come "trova l'ora" e "gira indietro l'orologio".
to make time for a specific activity, task, or purpose within one's schedule
to spend or use time in a way that does not achieve anything or have a particular goal
trascorri del tempo a fare le cose invece di aspettare
to adjust the time on a clock by moving it backward, often by one hour, to account for the end of daylight saving time
to adjust the time on a clock by moving it ahead, often by one hour, to accommodate the start of daylight saving time
to adjust the time on a clock by moving it backward, typically by one hour, to account for the end of daylight saving time
to adjust the time on a clock by advancing it forward, typically by one hour, to accommodate the start of daylight saving time