Kollokationer med Andra Verb - Referenser för tid och klocka
Bemästra engelska samlokaliseringar för tids- och klockreferenser, som "hitta tid" och "vrid tillbaka klockan".
to make time for a specific activity, task, or purpose within one's schedule
passa in en aktivitet i ens dagliga schema
to spend or use time in a way that does not achieve anything or have a particular goal
slösa bort sin tid
to adjust the time on a clock by moving it backward, often by one hour, to account for the end of daylight saving time
ställa in tiden på en klocka
to adjust the time on a clock by moving it ahead, often by one hour, to accommodate the start of daylight saving time
ställa in tiden på en klocka
to adjust the time on a clock by moving it backward, typically by one hour, to account for the end of daylight saving time
flytta tillbaka klockan