Accademico IELTS (Banda 5 e Inferiore) - Rimpianto e tristezza
Qui imparerai alcune parole inglesi relative al rimpianto e alla tristezza necessarie per l'esame IELTS accademico di base.
to apologize
to tell a person that one is sorry for having done something wrong

scusarsi, chiedere scusa

to regret
to feel sad, sorry, or disappointed about something that has happened or something that you have done, often wishing it had been different

to sigh
to release a long deep audible breath, to express one's sadness, tiredness, etc.

to cry
to have tears coming from your eyes as a result of a strong emotion such as sadness, pain, or sorrow

to miss
to feel sad because we no longer can see someone or do something

sentire la mancanza di, fare i conti con la mancanza di


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