最も一般的な500の英語名詞 - 上位 426 ~ 450 の名詞
ここでは、「shoe」、「gun」、「layer」など、英語で最も一般的な名詞のリストのパート 18 が提供されています。
something that we wear to cover and protect our feet, generally made of strong materials like leather or plastic


the part of a photograph, etc. that is situated behind the main figures, etc.

背景, バックグラウンド

an amount or sheet of something covering a surface or lying between two other things

層, レイヤー

an individual with a great amount of knowledge, skill, or training in a particular field

専門家, エキスパート

the branch of the armed forces that operates at sea using warships, destroyers, etc.

海軍, 海上自衛隊

a piece of body tissue that is made tight or relaxed when we want to move a particular part of our body


a road or path that is rough and usually made by animals or people repeatedly walking there

トラック, 小道