
本 English File - 初中級 - レッスン 4B

ここでは、英語ファイル初中級コースブックのレッスン 4B の「かご」、「領収書」、「口座」などの語彙を見つけることができます。









English File - Pre-intermediate

the act of buying goods from stores

ショッピング, 買い物

ショッピング, 買い物

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an object, usually made of wicker or plastic, with a handle for carrying or keeping things

バスケット, 籠

バスケット, 籠

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changing room

a room that people use in stores, gyms, schools, etc. to change or try on clothes

試着室, 更衣室

試着室, 更衣室

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(of a restaurant, store, etc.) providing customers with the chance to serve themselves and then pay for it

セルフサービス, 自己サービス

セルフサービス, 自己サービス

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a place in a supermarket where people pay for the goods they buy

チェックアウト, レジ

チェックアウト, レジ

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a person, organization, company, etc. that pays to get things from businesses or stores

顧客, 消費者

顧客, 消費者

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a written or printed document that shows the payment for a set of goods or services has been made

領収書, レシート

領収書, レシート

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a flat, narrow board made of wood, metal, etc. attached to a wall, to put items on

棚, シェルフ

棚, シェルフ

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shop assistant

someone whose job is to serve or help customers in a shop

店員, ショップアシスタント

店員, ショップアシスタント

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shopping bag

a bag made of cloth, paper, or plastic with two handles, used for carrying what you buy

ショッピングバッグ, 買い物袋

ショッピングバッグ, 買い物袋

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the total amount of income a company, store, etc. makes from the sales of goods or services over a specific period of time

売上, 収益

売上, 収益

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a machine that is used in restaurants, stores, etc. to calculate the overall price of something, store the received money, and record each transaction

レジスタ, レジ

レジスタ, レジ

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a vehicle that has two or four wheels and is used to carry objects in an airport, terminal, or supermarket

トロリー, カート

トロリー, カート

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to go

to view a specific page or website

行く, 訪れる

行く, 訪れる

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a group of related data on the Internet with the same domain name published by a specific individual, organization, etc.

ウェブサイト, サイト

ウェブサイト, サイト

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to create

to bring something into existence or make something happen

創造する, 作り出す

創造する, 作り出す

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an arrangement based on which a user is given a private and personalized access to an online platform, application, or computer

アカウント, プロフィール

アカウント, プロフィール

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to click

to select an item or function from a computer screen, etc. using a mouse or touchpad

クリックする, 選択する

クリックする, 選択する

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a distinct thing, often an individual object or entry in a list or collection

アイテム, 項目

アイテム, 項目

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to proceed

to begin a process or course of action

進める, 始める

進める, 始める

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an amount of money that is paid for something

支払, ペイメント

支払, ペイメント

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the act or process of taking goods, letters, etc. to whomever they have been sent

配達, 配送

配達, 配送

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the information that helps us find a place so we can go there or send a letter or package to that place

住所, 所在地

住所, 所在地

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used when two or more things or people are together in a single place


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credit card

a plastic card, usually given to us by a bank, that we use to pay for goods and services

クレジットカード, 銀行カード

クレジットカード, 銀行カード

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debit card

a small plastic card we use to pay for what we buy with the money taken directly from our bank account

デビットカード, 銀行カード

デビットカード, 銀行カード

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