本 English Result - 中級 - ユニット10 - 10A
ここでは、「肉屋」、「ニューススタンド」、「デパート」など、英語結果中級コースブックのユニット 10 ~ 10A の語彙を見つけることができます。
a store that sells clothing items, such as shirts, pants, dresses, and jackets, for people to wear

衣料品店, 服装店

a large store that we can go to and buy food, drinks and other things from

スーパーマーケット, ハイパーマーケット

a stand or stall on a street, etc. where newspapers, magazines, and sometimes books are sold

新聞スタンド, 新聞売り場

a type of shop where a person can buy newspapers, magazines, and sweets, usually located in busy areas like train stations or shopping centers

新聞販売店, ニューススタンド

a place in which collections of books and sometimes newspapers, movies, music, etc. are kept for people to read or borrow


a large building or enclosed area that consists of a group of shops

ショッピングモール, 商業施設