本 Face2face - 初歩 - ユニット 2 - 2D
ここでは、Face2Face Elementary コースブックの Unit 2 - 2D の「mirror」、「under」、「cat」などの語彙を見つけることができます。
furniture we use for working, writing, reading, etc. that normally has a flat surface and drawers

机, デスク

a comfortable seat that has a back and two arms and enough space for two or multiple people to sit on

ソファ, カウチ

the thing we move to enter, exit, or access a place such as a vehicle, building, room, etc.


a space in a wall or vehicle that is made of glass and we use to look outside or get some fresh air

窓, ウィンドウ

a living thing that grows in ground or water, usually has leaves, stems, flowers, etc.

植物, 草木

a low table, often placed in a living room, on which magazines, cups, etc. can be placed

コーヒーテーブル, センターテーブル

used to show that an object is physically in contact with or attached to a surface or object

上に, に

in a position at the front part of someone or something else or further forward than someone or something

前に, 前方に

a case with a handle, used for carrying clothes, etc. when we are traveling

スーツケース, 旅行かばん

a specially shaped piece of metal used for locking or unlocking a door, starting a car, etc.

鍵, キー

a cellular phone or cell phone; a phone without any wires and with access to a cellular radio system that we can carry with us and use anywhere

携帯電話, モバイルフォン

a piece of clothing with long sleeves, worn outdoors and over other clothes to keep warm or dry

コート, ジャケット

something that we wear to cover and protect our feet, generally made of strong materials like leather or plastic


something made of leather, cloth, plastic, or paper that we use to carry things in, particularly when we are traveling or shopping

バッグ, かばん

a set of printed pages that are held together in a cover so that we can turn them and read them

本, 書籍