本 Insight - 中級 - 語彙の洞察 1
ここでは、Insight 中級コースブックの Vocabulary Insight 1 にある「見事な」、「傲慢」、「ゴージャス」などの単語を紹介します。
someone or something's professional or social position relative to that of others

地位, ステータス

weighing more than what is considered healthy or desirable for one's body size and build

過体重, オーバーウェイト

(of people or animals) weighing much more than what is thought to be healthy for their body

太った, 肥満の

(particularly of a child or young adult) slightly overweight in a way that is considered cute or charming rather than unhealthy or unattractive

ぽっちゃりした, ふっくらした

extremely overweight, with excess body fat that significantly increases health risks

肥満, 極度の肥満

(of a person) having a pleasantly rounded and slightly full-bodied appearance

ぽっちゃりした, ふっくらした

a behavior characterized by an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities, often with a lack of respect for others"

傲慢, 高慢

the quality of being confident and self-assured, especially in expressing one's own opinions and desires

自己主張, 自己確信

he quality of not being too proud or boastful about one's abilities or achievements, and not drawing too much attention to oneself

控えめ, 謙虚

the quality or trait of being unwilling to change one's mind or behavior despite opposition or difficulties

頑固さ, 強情さ

(of ideas, products, etc.) creative, original, and unlike anything else that exists

革新的な, 創造的な

fashion trends, music, decor, clothing, or styles from past decades, or inspired by them


following the latest or the most popular styles and trends in a specific period

流行の, おしゃれな

(of things) old but highly valued for the quality, excellent condition, or timeless and attractive design

ヴィンテージ, クラシック