本 Total English - 中級 - ユニット 4 - レッスン 1
ここでは、Total English Intermediate コースブックの Unit 4 - Lesson 1 の「charm」、「illegally」、「pretend」などの語彙を見つけることができます。
to be sexually unfaithful to one's partner by engaging in romantic or intimate activities with someone else

浮気する, 裏切る

having an excessive focus on oneself and one's own interests, often at the expense of others

自己中心的な, エゴイスティックな

something that is hard to explain or understand, often involving a puzzling event or situation with an unknown explanation

神秘, 謎

to act in a specific way in order to make others believe that something is the case when actually it is not so

ふりをする, 擬似する

a building where people who did something illegal, such as stealing, murder, etc., are kept as a punishment


to eventually reach or find oneself in a particular place, situation, or condition, often unexpectedly or as a result of circumstances

行き着く, 終わりになる