no longer used, supported, etc. by the general public, typically belonging to an earlier period in history

古風な, 流行遅れの

resembling or imitating styles, fashions, or designs from the past, especially from the mid-20th century

レトロ, 旧スタイル

belonging to or following the methods or thoughts that are old as opposed to new or different ones

伝統的な, クラシック

outdated and gone out of style, often replaced by more current trends or advancements

時代遅れの, 陳腐化した

simple, traditional, and appealing, with a timeless quality that stays in fashion regardless of trends

クラシック, 伝統的な

following a long-established, highly regarded, and standard form, style, or set of ideas

古典的, 伝統的

(of things) old but highly valued for the quality, excellent condition, or timeless and attractive design

ヴィンテージ, クラシック

(of a style in architecture, music, art, etc.) recently formed and different from traditional styles and forms
