ここでは、General Training IELTS 試験に必要な、増加額に関連する英単語を学びます。
having an unusually large or abundant quantity of something, often exceeding expectations or norms
豊富な, 大量な
characterized by abundant and rich growth
豊かな, 豪華な
a sudden and fast growth or increase in something
増殖, 急速な成長
an improvement or increase in something such as intensity, level, or amount
増加, 改善
an abrupt increase in strength, number, etc.
急増, 予期しない増加
the act or process of adding the amount, value, or size of something
増加, 追加
a rise in the number or amount of something
増加, インクリメント
to increase rapidly to a high level
急上昇する, 急増する
to increase or grow rapidly and uncontrollably
急速に増加する, 制御不可能に成長する