ここでは、Basic Academic IELTS試験に必要な味と匂いに関連する英単語を学びます。
containing sugar or having a taste that is like sugar
甘い, 砂糖のような
having a sharp acidic taste like lemon
酸っぱい, サワー
having a strong taste that is unpleasant and not sweet
苦い, 辛い
containing salt or having a taste that is like salt
塩辛い, しょっぱい
having a strong taste that gives your mouth a pleasant burning feeling
スパイシー, 辛い
having a very pleasant flavor
美味しい, デリシャス
having a flavor that is pleasent to eat or drink
美味しい, 味わい深い
having a taste like smoke
スモーキーな, 燻製風の
having a smooth and soft texture
クリーミー, 滑らか
having a fresh taste like peppermint
ミント風味の, ミントのような
having a strong and pleasant smell
芳香の, 香り高い
having a pleasant and delightful scent
甘い, 心地よい
bringing enjoyment and happiness
心地よい, 楽しい
describing food that has an intense flavor which is easily noticeable
強い, 濃い
smelling very bad
臭い, 悪臭の
having a strong, unpleasant odor
臭い, 生臭い
(of flavour) tangy and sour, often due to the presence of acid
酸味の, 酸っぱい
describing a flavor that is intense and tangy, often with a biting or pungent quality
鋭い, 辛い