having an attractive and pleasing quality
魅力的な, チャーミング
mysteriously attractive or exciting
魅力的な, 誘惑的な
possessing a stylish, sophisticated, and elegant quality
クラス感のある, エレガント
(of a woman) beautiful
美しい, 魅力的な
(of a person) unattractive and ordinary
地味な, 普通の
ugly and extremely unpleasant to the sight
不気味な, 醜い
unpleasant or unattractive in appearance
見苦しい, unattractive
unpleasant or unattractive
不機嫌な, 薄気味悪い
very ugly in a strange or funny way
グロテスク, 醜い
delightful due to qualities of beauty, suitability, or perfection
絶妙な, 素晴らしい
very beautiful, attractive, or impressive
素晴らしい, 驚くべき
(of a person) attractive, stylish, or beautiful
優雅な, エレガントな
pleasing and likely to arouse interest or desire
魅力的な, 魅力のある
incredibly cute or charming, often causing feelings of affection, delight, or admiration
かわいい, 愛らしい
visually striking or captivating
目を引く, 魅力的な
stylish, attractive, and often associated with luxury or sophistication
魅力的な, 華やかな
incredibly impressive or beautiful, often leaving one feeling amazed
息をのむような, 圧倒的な
having qualities that make one attractive or worth wanting
望ましい, 魅力的な
characteristic of or suitable for infants or very young children
幼児の, 幼稚な
relating to young people who have not reached adulthood yet
若者向けの, 青年の
somewhat young or appearing to be relatively youthful
若々しい, 若干若い
characterized by features associated with a baby
赤ちゃんの, 子供っぽい
being in the stage of development between childhood and adulthood
思春期の, 青年期の
mature and fully developed
大人の, 成熟した
recently born or just beginning life
新生児, 新生児の
related to or suitable for young children before they start formal education
幼稚園, プレ学校
having reached one's maximum size or maturity
成長した, 成熟した
not old enough to legally engage in certain activities such as drinking or getting a driver's license
未成年, 成年未満
preserving a youthful or unchanged appearance
年齢を感じさせない, timeless
referring to the process of getting older
老化する, 年老いた
exceptionally elegant and innocent
天使のような, 清らかな