Academic IELTS 시험에 필요한 나이, 외모와 관련된 영어단어를 배워보겠습니다.
having an attractive and pleasing quality
매력적인, 사랑스러운
mysteriously attractive or exciting
매력적인, 유혹적인
possessing a stylish, sophisticated, and elegant quality
세련된, 우아한
(of a woman) beautiful
아름다운, 매력적인
(of a person) unattractive and ordinary
평범한, 무난한
ugly and extremely unpleasant to the sight
소름끼치는, 추악한
unpleasant or unattractive in appearance
보기 흉한, 추한
unpleasant or unattractive
음침한, 혐오스러운
very ugly in a strange or funny way
그로tesque, 추한
delightful due to qualities of beauty, suitability, or perfection
정교한, 우아한
very beautiful, attractive, or impressive
놀라운, 아름다운
(of a person) attractive, stylish, or beautiful
우아한, 세련된
pleasing and likely to arouse interest or desire
매력적인, 흡입력 있는
incredibly cute or charming, often causing feelings of affection, delight, or admiration
사랑스러운, 매력적인
visually striking or captivating
눈길을 끄는, 매력적인
stylish, attractive, and often associated with luxury or sophistication
화려한, 매력적인
incredibly impressive or beautiful, often leaving one feeling amazed
숨막히는, 경이로운
having qualities that make one attractive or worth wanting
바람직한, 매력적인
characteristic of or suitable for infants or very young children
유아의, 어린이 같은
relating to young people who have not reached adulthood yet
청소년의, 젊은 세대의
somewhat young or appearing to be relatively youthful
젊은, 상당히 젊은
characterized by features associated with a baby
아기 같은, 유치한
being in the stage of development between childhood and adulthood
청소년의, 젊은
mature and fully developed
성숙한, 어른의
recently born or just beginning life
신생아, 신생아의
related to or suitable for young children before they start formal education
유치원, 취학 전
having reached one's maximum size or maturity
성숙한, 완전히 자란
not old enough to legally engage in certain activities such as drinking or getting a driver's license
미성년자, 18세 미만
preserving a youthful or unchanged appearance
영원한, 나이 없는
referring to the process of getting older
노후화된, 늙은
exceptionally elegant and innocent
천사 같은, 깨끗한