a large reptile with very big jaws, sharp teeth, short legs, and a hard skin and long tail that lives in rivers and lakes in warmer regions


a small to medium-sized carnivorous mammal with a pointed muzzle and bushy tail, often have reddish-brown fur and are known for being clever and adaptable


a large, wild animal with long legs which eats grass and can run very fast, typically the males have horns

鹿, シカ

a black and yellow insect that collects nectar and produces wax and honey, which can fly and sting


a small creature such as a bee or ant that has six legs, and generally one or two pairs of wings


a small creature that spins webs to catch insects for food, with eight legs and two fangs by which poison is injected to its prey


a small green animal with smooth skin, long legs for jumping and no tail, that lives both in water and on land


a class or group of people or things that have common characteristics or share particular qualities

タイプ, クラス