ACT試験のリテラシー - ポジティブな感情
ここでは、ACT を成功させるのに役立つ、「入り口」、「説得力」、「歓喜」など、ポジティブな感情に関連する英単語を学びます。
a feeling of reverence, respect, and wonder inspired by something grand, powerful, or extraordinary

畏敬, 驚嘆

a feeling of admiration or surprise caused by something that is very unusual and exciting

驚き, 不思議

evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerful and irresistible way

魅力的な, 引きつける

referring to qualities or behaviors that make a person likable or charming to others

愛らしい, 魅力的な

providing a calming or comforting sensation that helps to relieve or lessen pain or discomfort

癒しの, 落ち着かせる

(of something) bringing back fond memories of the past, often with a sense of longing or affection


demonstrating an excessive and unconditional love or affection for someone, often to the point of being overly attentive

溺愛する, 惜しみなく愛する

filled with joy, often as a result of experiencing something magical or captivating

魅了された, 魔法のような

to call forth or elicit emotions, feelings, or responses, often in a powerful or vivid manner

呼び起こす, 喚起する

to give someone courage or confidence, inspiring them to take bold actions or face challenges with determination

勇気づける, 励ます

to deeply understand and share the feelings or experiences of someone else

共感する, 理解を示す