
C1 수준 단어 목록 - 중요한 동사

여기서는 C1 학습자를 위해 준비된 "opt", "boast", "pledge" 등과 같은 몇 가지 중요한 영어 동사를 배우게 됩니다.









학습 시작
CEFR C1 Vocabulary
to opt

to choose something over something else



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to boast

to talk with excessive pride about one's achievements, abilities, etc. in order to draw other's attention

허풍 치다

허풍 치다

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to pledge

to formally promise to do something

전당에 넣다

전당에 넣다

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to proclaim

to publicly and officially state something



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to renew

to replace something old or damaged with a new one

고쳐 쓰다

고쳐 쓰다

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to resume

to continue again after an interruption

다시 차지하다

다시 차지하다

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to initiate

to start a new course of action

무언가를 움직이게 만드는 것

무언가를 움직이게 만드는 것

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to manifest

to clearly dispaly something



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to originate

to start to be

존재하게 됨

존재하게 됨

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to stem

to be caused by something

뭔가에서 유래

뭔가에서 유래

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to suppress

to stop an activity such as a protest using force



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to aspire

to desire to have or become something



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to coincide

to occur at the same time as something else

동시에 일어나다

동시에 일어나다

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to complement

to add something that enhances or improves the quality or appearance of someone or something

보충하여 완전케하다

보충하여 완전케하다

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to constitute

to contribute to the structure or makeup of something



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to coordinate

to control and organize the different parts of an activity and the group of people involved so that a good result is achieved

조직하거나 통제하다

조직하거나 통제하다

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to correspond

to match or be similar to something else



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to deprive

to prevent someone from having something, particularly something that they need



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to displace

to make someone leave their home by force, particularly because of an unpleasant event

집에서 누군가를 쫓아내는 것

집에서 누군가를 쫓아내는 것

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to ease

to reduce the severity or seriousness of something unpleasant

불쾌한 일을 완화하는 것

불쾌한 일을 완화하는 것

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to embed

to firmly and deeply fix something in something else

깊숙이 박다

깊숙이 박다

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to enact

to approve a proposed law

법률을 제정하다

법률을 제정하다

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to encompass

to include or contain a wide range of different things within a particular scope or area

에워 싸다

에워 싸다

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to endure

to allow the presence or actions of someone or something disliked without interference or complaint

to evoke

to cause someone to recall a memory, feeling, etc.

상기시키다 (감정, 기억 등을) 상기시키다

상기시키다 (감정, 기억 등을) 상기시키다

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to facilitate

to help something, such as a process or action, become possible or simpler

용이하게 하다

용이하게 하다

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to foster

to encourage the growth or development of something

무언가의 진행을 지원

무언가의 진행을 지원

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to hail

to praise someone or something enthusiastically and loudly, particularly in a public manner

누군가를 칭찬하다

누군가를 칭찬하다

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to halt

to make someone or something stop

누군가 또는 무언가를 중지

누군가 또는 무언가를 중지

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to incur

to have to pay for something

강제로 돈을 지불하고

강제로 돈을 지불하고

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to indulge

to allow oneself to do or have something that one enjoys, particularly something that might be bad for one

좋아하는 일을 하거나 가지고 있는 것

좋아하는 일을 하거나 가지고 있는 것

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to expire

(of a document, contract, etc.) to no longer be legally recognized because of reaching the end of validity period



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to venture

to intentionally expose something of personal importance or value to the possibility of loss

위험에 빠뜨리다

위험에 빠뜨리다

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to decay

to be gradually damaged or destroyed as a result of natural processes



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to consolidate

to combine two or more things in order to make them easier to handle or increase their efficiency



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to double-cross

to betray a person that one is in cooperation with, often when they want to do something illegal together

져 주겠다는 약속을 어기고 이기다

져 주겠다는 약속을 어기고 이기다

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