여기서는 "시끄럽게", "자신감있게", "안전하게" 등과 같은 Summit 1B 코스북의 단원 10 - 4과에서 나온 어휘를 찾을 수 있습니다.
having a strong belief in one's abilities or qualities
자신감 있는, 확신에 찬
in a way that shows confidence and trust in oneself or another person's abilities, plans, etc.
자신감 있게, 확신에 차서
difficult or impossible to comprehend, identify, or explain
신비한, 불가사의한
in a manner that is not easy to explain or understand
신비롭게, 불가사의하게
taking a short time to move, happen, or be done
빠른, 신속한
with a lot of speed
빠르게, 신속하게
(of a person) not talking too much
조용한, 말이 없는
in a way that produces little or no noise
조용히, 고요히
protected from any danger
안전한, 보호된
in a way that avoids harm or danger
안전하게, 위험 없이
sounds that are usually unwanted or loud
소음, 소리
in a way that makes too much sound or disturbance
시끄럽게, 소란스럽게
giving attention or thought to what we are doing to avoid doing something wrong, hurting ourselves, or damaging something
주의 깊은, 신중한
with a lot of care or attention
조심스럽게, 주의 깊게
physically feeling relaxed and not feeling pain, stress, fear, etc.
편안한, 안락한
in a way that is physically free from any tension or pain
편안하게, 안락하게