책 Solutions - 초중급 - 유닛 7 - 7A
여기서는 "부동산 중개인", "화장품", "세탁소" 등과 같은 솔루션 중급 과정 책의 단원 7 - 7A의 어휘를 찾을 수 있습니다.
the unit of money in the US, Canada, Australia and several other countries, equal to 100 cents


the official currency of Japan, abbreviated as ¥, used for financial transactions and pricing in Japan


the act of repairing, making, or doing things by oneself instead of paying a professional to do them
a store that specializes in baking and selling bread, cakes, pastries, and other baked goods

빵집, 베이커리

a type of small restaurant where people can drink coffee, tea, etc. and usually eat light meals too

커피숍, 카페

a store that sells clothing items, such as shirts, pants, dresses, and jackets, for people to wear

의류 상점, 옷가게

any type of substance that one puts on one's skin, particularly the face, to make it look more attractive

화장품, 메이크업

a shop or section of a store that sells high-quality, ready-to-eat foods like cold cuts, cheeses, and salads

델리, 고급 식품점

a store that sells plants, gardening tools, and supplies for home and outdoor gardens

정원 센터, 원예 센터

a shop that sells flowers and makes floral arrangements for events like weddings and funerals

꽃집, 플로리스트

a place where one can wash and dry one's clothes using coin-operated machines

코인 세탁소, 셀프 세탁소

a type of shop where a person can buy newspapers, magazines, and sweets, usually located in busy areas like train stations or shopping centers

신문 가게, 뉴스 에이전트

a shop that sells glasses and contact lenses and also provides eye exams and fitting services

안경점, 안과 의사

a written or printed document that shows the payment for a set of goods or services has been made

영수증, 세금계산서