책 Insight - 중상급 - 5호 - 5D
여기서는 "초월", "무자비한", "정점" 등과 같은 Insight 중상급 코스북의 단원 5 - 5D의 어휘를 찾을 수 있습니다.
an introductory piece written by the author of a book explaining its subject, scope, or aims
characterized by peculiar or unconventional traits, often in an endearing or charming way
기발한, 특이한
to go or be beyond the material or physical aspects of existence, indicating a superior existence or understanding
초월하다, 넘다
requiring significant effort, skill, or determination to overcome or accomplish successfully
도전적인, 어려운
fulfilling a want or a requirement, and bringing a feeling of accomplishment or enjoyment
만족스러운, 즐거운
the act of seeking punishment against someone who has wronged or hurt one in some way
복수, 보복
a part of something that is considered the most prominent or successful
정점, pinnacle
a list of books and articles used by an author to support or reference their written work
참고 문헌
a list of technical terms or jargons of a particular field or text, provided in alphabetical order with an explanation for each one
용어집, 용어 사전
a removable paper or plastic cover that is wrapped around the outside of a hardcover book
책 덮개, 더스트 재킷
a book with a cover made from hard material such as cardboard, leather, etc.
양장본, 하드커버 책
an alphabetical list of subjects, names, etc. along with the page numbers each of them occurs, coming at the end of a book
색인, 인덱스
to make a lasting mark on a surface or material through pressure or contact
인쇄하다, 자국을 남기다
the edge of a book that binds all the pages together, usually with the title and the publisher's name appearing on its cover
책등, 스파인
the page at the front of a book that the names of the book, its author, and publisher are printed on it
표제 페이지, 제목 페이지
to cruelly or violently treat a person or an animal, especially regularly or repeatedly
학대하다, 남용하다