차원의 형용사는 물체나 개념의 크기, 범위 또는 측정을 설명하는 데 사용됩니다.
(of two points) having an above-average distance between them
긴, 길다
having a below-average distance between two points
짧은, 단축된
having a great distance from the surface to the bottom
깊은, 심오한
having a large length from side to side
넓은, 폭넓은
having a long distance between opposite sides
두꺼운, 밀집한
having opposite sides or surfaces that are close together
얇은, 가느다란
having greater than average height
키가 큰, 높은
having a large distance between one side and another
넓은, 폭이 넓은
extremely great in extent, size, or area
광대한, 거대한
having a limited distance between opposite sides
좁은, 가까운
having a short distance from the surface to the bottom
(of a room, house, etc.) large with a lot of space inside
넓은, 광대한
(of a mountain, building, etc.) very tall and outstanding
높은, 웅장한
short and thick in proportion to the length
짧고 두꺼운, 통통한
long and thin, often more than expected or typical
긴, 신장된
exceptionally wide, exceeding standard measurements
울트라 와이드, 초광각
covering a large area
광범위한, 넓은