(of two points) having an above-average distance between them
長い, 長い
having a below-average distance between two points
短い, ショート
having a great distance from the surface to the bottom
深い, 深奥な
having a large length from side to side
広い, 幅広い
having a long distance between opposite sides
太い, 密な
having opposite sides or surfaces that are close together
薄い, 細い
having greater than average height
背が高い, 高い
having a large distance between one side and another
広い, 大きい
extremely great in extent, size, or area
広大な, 巨大な
having a limited distance between opposite sides
狭い, 細い
having a short distance from the surface to the bottom
(of a room, house, etc.) large with a lot of space inside
広々とした, spacious
(of a mountain, building, etc.) very tall and outstanding
高い, 壮大な
short and thick in proportion to the length
太くて短い, こぶりな
long and thin, often more than expected or typical
細長い, 引き伸ばされた
exceptionally wide, exceeding standard measurements
ウルトラワイド, 超広角
covering a large area
広範囲な, 広大な