추상적 속성을 설명하는 형용사 - 불합리성의 형용사
이 형용사는 논리적 추론의 이탈, 일관성 부족 또는 특정 주장이나 행동에 대한 건전한 판단의 부재를 나타냅니다.
extremely unreasonable or illogical, often to the point of being ridiculous
어이없는, 불합리한
completely disorderly and confusing, with no clear organization or predictability
expressing or involving statements or ideas that cannot be true or false at the same time
unreasonable or exaggerated to the point of being laughable or ridiculous
우스꽝스러운, 어리석은
seemingly contradictory or absurd at first glance but may reveal deeper truth or validity upon further examination
역설적인, 모순된
characterized by or suffering from false beliefs or perceptions that persist despite evidence to the contrary
망상적인, 환상적인
acting on sudden desires or feelings without thinking about the consequences beforehand
충동적인, 자발적인
believing that good things can happen or perfection can be achieved, while it is nearly impossible or impractical
이상주의적인, 유토피아적인
(of a behavior or action) driven by a strong inner urge or impulse, where the person feels compelled to do something even if they do not want to
강박적인, 강제적인
extremely unreasonable or stupid, particularly in a manner that is likely to be dangerous
미친, 비상식적인
characterized by eccentric, peculiar, or unconventional behavior or qualities
괴짜의, 비정상적인