일반 교육 IELTS (밴드 6-7) - 스포츠
여기에서는 General Training IELTS 시험에 필요한 스포츠 관련 영어 단어를 배우게 됩니다.
a Korean martial art characterized by its emphasis on high kicks and jumping and spinning kicks

태권도, 태권도 (한국의 무술)

a motorsport race where drivers navigate varied terrains in a series of timed stages

랠리, 랠리 경주

a winter sport or activity in which the participant stands on a board and glides over snow, typically on a mountainside

스노보드, 스노보딩

a sport where participants lift heavy weights in predefined movements or exercises

역도, 웨이트 리프팅

a type of exercise that is designed to make one's lungs and heart stronger, often performed with music


a form of exercise that focuses on strengthening and toning the body, improving flexibility, and enhancing posture through a series of controlled movements


a sport where pilots fly unpowered aircrafts, using air currents to remain airborne

글라이딩, 무동력 비행

the practice of falling or jumping off height to float in the air using a parachute as a sport or hobby


the activity or sport of sailing on water by standing on a special board with a sail attached to it

윈드서핑, 바람 서핑

the act or sport of swimming underwater, using special equipment such as an oxygen tank, etc.

스쿠버다이빙, 수중 다이빙

the activity of swimming beneath the water's surface while breathing through a hollow tube named a snorkel

스노클링, 스노클로 수영

the activity or sport in which individuals jump from a flying aircraft and do special moves while falling before opening their parachute at a specified distance to land on the ground

스카이다이빙, 낙하산 스포츠

the sport or activity of moving through an area, particularly an urban area, by running, jumping, and climbing over, under, or around different obstacles

파쿠르, 장애물 극복

a team sport where players pass a ball without dribbling to shoot it into a raised netted goal


a game similar to baseball but on a smaller field in which players use a larger and softer ball


a team sport played on horseback where players use mallets to hit a ball into the opposing team's goal
